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Networking Hacks For Introverts at #SHRM18

As a member of the #SHRM18Blogger squad, I promised the good folks over at SHRM that I would write a post offering advice about the event.

Inevitably, I took my own twist on things…

Conferences can be a difficult place for introverts. Between the big crowds, the constant noise and the pressure of interacting with a ton of strangers – there’s more than enough to create a panic attack pressure cooker that’s just waiting to explode. But conferences have a lot to offer, introvert or not, so we show up anyway. Regardless of our personality predisposition, introverts are still seeking out the high-quality relationships and information that events like SHRM have to offer. But how do introverts leap the hurdle and fight their instinct to run and hide in that environment?

I’ve asked myself that question a thousand times. First, standing at registration with a thousand strangers trying to work myself up to a conversation with a random bystander. Then as I’ve stood in line to get lunch, looking around in hopes I’ll see a friend and not be on my own to figure out the chaos. Again as I find my seat in the keynotes or workshops. I’m always hoping I can use that time and a bit of small talk to find a kindred soul – if only I had the courage.

I know I’m not the only one as I look around these rooms and nervously smile at others experiencing the same inner turmoil.

In fairness, I’m happy to retreat to my room when the day is done but I find myself feeling regrets when I do. “I didn’t come here to sit in a hotel room and watch Friends,” I think with that sinking feeling that I’m missing out. The moments of guilt resonate on the flight home after those trips, thinking about how I didn’t make the most of this huge investment – both from a personal perspective and the POV of the company or sponsor sending me there.

So before this year’s SHRM, I wanted to arm myself with some ways to find new experiences and try new things. Ways to connect that wouldn’t feel so forced or push me even closer to that anxiety panic button. Then I thought of those smiling faces from conferences past and knew I had to share them for people like me.

And if none of that works for you, how about this. Find me on LinkedIn or tweet @katrinakibben and tell me you’ll be there – I’ll be happy to be your buddy. We introverts have to stick together.

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