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How To Write Blog Posts Candidates Want to Read [VIDEO]

There are millions of people creating blog content every second on every topic you could imagine (and a few you would probably never want to imagine.) In fact, about 77 million posts are published on WordPress alone.

That’s a hell of a lot of blogs.

This boom of blogging started about 12 years ago in 2006. At the time, about half a million people were posting per month. As blogging grew in popularity, recruiters started to consider the strategy for talent attraction (finally). But it wasn’t until around 2010 that we saw companies actively taking a role in creating content – whether that was a blog post or simply creating a Twitter account.

At the time, you could not go to a conference without someone talking about social recruiting this or that. It was nonstop. Everyone wanted to talk about how you could scrape all of the top social media sites for data and how to use new messaging features for outreach.

Eventually people started asking questions about the data. They wanted to understand how much these ad campaigns would cost, how many candidates were coming from social media, ROI metrics… And suddenly, we started to see fewer conferences and sessions solely talking about social recruiting.

No social media ROI, no conference for you. Fast-forward to 2018.

Companies are still trying to work out the ROI for social media and content, creating a bunch of careers blog posts that get maybe 12 views in a month (all from employees or friends of the person who wrote the post).

And if you’ve been that person creating the content you know this: that shit is so frustrating. Especially for companies that are creating content for their careers site all the time, whether it’s videos, blog posts, or social media posts. In fact, I’d go so far as to bet that most of that content never gets read at all.

Why is that?

It’s probably because your content only focuses on the “you you you” rather than the candidates or readers. That’s the lesson that was missing from all those sessions, as obvious and sad as it may be. Everyone was talking tactical, not practical. They were talking statistics instead of storytelling.

While all that seems easy now that I’ve said it, it’s not so simple when you’re in the trenches. You’re in the vacuum. You’re indoctrinated. It’s hard to think about the possibilities and potential for something completely different.

That’s where our latest video comes in. It’s our formula to help you create blog posts candidates actually want to read using stories that contextualize the job. These are my tips to set the tone and structure to build your blog so it makes the right kind of impact.

recruiting Recruiting Voice Recruitment Marketing Advice Social Media for Recruiting

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